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Master in Economics and Management of Science, Technology and Innovation






Why choose ISEG?

Founded in 1911, ISEG is the oldest school of Economics and Management in Portugal. Since then, innovation in teaching and research has been a keystone at ISEG.

Our teaching staff is recognized for its technical, scientific and pedagogical quality. Our students are educated in an environment where the diversity of opinions and scientific perspectives is recognized, fostering autonomy of work but also the collaborative capacity in complex environments.

The research that is carried out at ISEG has an international scope, with collaboration in international and interdisciplinary research projects, and the output of our research being published in prestigious academic journals.

ISEG offers excellent facilities, suitable for the learning of its students. The school has one of the best libraries of Economy and Management in the country.

For all these reasons ISEG has trained successful professionals who excel in this areas of expertise, including in the management of science and innovation in public and private organizations.


The first edition of this Master was promoted in academic year 1991/1992. The Master received the A3ES (Agência de Avaliação e Acreditação do Ensino Superior) accreditation and has been connected to the international ESST (European Studies on Society, Science and Technology) Master. Our students have had their master dissertations supervised by ISEG faculty, but also by external experts.


The main aim of the master is to give students:

- Analytical skills, so that they are able to analyse at an advanced level the problems, issues and policies in the areas of Science, Technology and Innovation;

- Practical skills, so that they are able to get involved and act in the definition of management strategies of businesses, non-profit governmental or international organizations operating in the areas of Science, Technology and Innovation.

Designed For

This Master programme is suitable for those who have finished their first degree studies and who wish to obtain a professional specialisation in the areas of management and analysis of science, technology and innovation, and further their employment opportunities and career prospects.


Alumni of this Masters have found employment in different areas, the foremost being: consulting and technical studies, managing innovation in companies, research management at universities and research institutes, management of science and technology parks, intellectual property management and consultancy, management of telecommunications and IT systems development, pharmaceutical, the public administration of scientific research funding, structural economic aid programmes, international organisations, international development aid, and research and university teaching.



Night Time

Tuition Fees

Fees for 2018/2019,  here.

Numerus Clausus

  • Total: 30