Seminar (2 º Sem 2017/2018)


Welcome to the web page of the Seminar !

      Carlos Farinha Rodrigues

Corpo Docente



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Publicação de Notas

Students who need additional clarification about the grade awarded to them should contact Prof. Luis Mah. Best regards Carlos Farinha Rodrigues
A pauta pode ser consultada aqui

Breve introdução

The Seminar at BA in Economics aims at creating the adequate conditions that will allow the students to pursue the following goals: i. Integrate the knowledge acquired in the several curricular units of the BA in Economics through theory-based empirical work on the reality of different economies and their insertion in several economic geographies and spaces; ii. Offer students a direct contact and deeper knowledge on the economic reality based on adequate and consistent research methodologies; iii. Stimulate students to finish the 1st cycle of studies (BA) to pursue their studies further to the 2nd and eventually 3rd cycles of studies (MA and Phd).