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Academic experience

    International experience

    Sabbatical leave at ICESI, Colombia, 2015.

    Visiting Professor at FUMEC, Brazil, since 2013.

    Invited speaker and/or training courses in the following: Univ Vaasa (Finland), Univ Latvia (Latvia), Nottingham Trent Univ (UK), Aston Business School (UK), INI (Brazil), Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Bulgaria), Univ of Vilnius (Lithuania), Yeditepe Univ (Turkey), PSKOV branch of RANEPA (Russia), Ombaka Business School (Angola), and Infoteste (Macau).

    Academic visitor in the Department of Psychology of the University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, where he taught at the MSc level (in Psychology): Performance Management and Appraisal, and Industrial and Organizational Psychology Measurement Issues (2010).

    Senior researcher in Innovation Management, in the School of Business, Public Administration and Technology, University of Twente, the Netherlands (2002-2004).

    Doctoral researcher at the Manchester Business School, UK. Scholarship by Fundação para a Ciência e para a Tecnologia, Lisbon, Portugal (1997-2001).

    In Portugal

    Assistant professor at the Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa - Lisbon University Institute (ISCTE-LUI), in the Social and Organisational Department (2008-2010).

    Assistant professor at the Higher Institute of Applied Psychology (ISPA), Lisbon, Portugal (2001-2008).

    Invited lecturer: a) ISEG-UTL (2003-2008); b) Atlântica University (2008-2009); c) University of the Algarve (2008-2009); d) Escola Nacional de Bombeiros ( National Fire-fighting School); e) TeamView Institute; f) Nova University (2006-2007).  (Subject matters taught in these places include: organisational behaviour, human resources management, creativity and innovation management, amongst others. Couses' levels include: PhD, MBA, MSc, and undergraduate).