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Practical implementation issues for switching between stabilizing controllers
(with E. Santos, T. Mendonça and P. Rocha).
Proc. of the 7th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, M. Ayala-Botto, IST, 6 p., Lisbon, Portugal, September 11-13, 2006.


Observer design in switching control of neuromuscular blockade: clinical cases
(with H. Magalhães, J. Lemos, T. Mendonça, P. Rocha and S. Esteves).
28th Annual International Conference IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Proceedings, p. 5436-5439, 2006.


Exponentially small splitting of separatrices.
Bol. Soc. Port. Mat. Special Issue , p. 181-184, 2012.


Polygonal billiards with a contractive reflection law: a review of some hyperbolic properties
(with  G. Del MagnoJ. L. DiasP. Duarte and  D. Pinheiro)
in Difference Equations, Discrete Dynamical Systems and Applications, Eds. L. Alseda i Soler et al., Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics 180, 2016.