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Publicações Link

Publicações Link

Alves, Iryna, e Sofia M.  Lourenço (2021),"Subjective performance evaluation and managerial work outcomes", Accounting and Business Research  (forthcoming)

                Vencedor do Melhor Artigo em Contabilidade nas XXVIII Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Gestão Científica (2018)


Lourenço, Sofia M. (2020),"Do self-reported motivators really motivate higher performance?", Management Accounting Research 47: 1-13


Lourenço, Sofia M. (2019),"Field Experiments in Managerial Accounting Research", Foundations and Trends in Accounting 14(1): 1-72.


Lourenço, Sofia M., Jeffrey O. Greenberg, Melissa Littlefield, David Bates e V. G. Narayanan (2018), " The performance effect of feedback in a context of negative incentives: Evidence from a field experiment",   Management Accounting Research 40: 1-14.

          Vencedor do 2018 David Solomons Prize 


Casas-Arce, Pablo, Sofia M. Lourenço e Asís Martínez-Jerez (2017), " The performance effect of feedback frequency and detail: Evidence from a field experiment in customer satisfaction", Journal of Accounting Research 55 (5): 1051-1088.

         Vencedor do 2019 Notable Contribution to Management Accounting Literature Award


Lourenço, Sofia M. (2016), " Monetary Incentives, Feedback and Recognition - Complements or Substitutes? Evidence from a field experiment in a retail services company", The Accounting Review 91(1): 279-297.

       Artigo baseado na tese de doutoramento distinguida com "2011 Outstanding Management Accounting Section Dissertation Award", da American Accounting Association