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Oliveira, M., Maçada, A. and  Curado, C. (2011). Knowledge management mechanisms within the SECI model, CAPSI'2011, Lisboa, Portugal.


Maehler, A.,  Curado, C., Pires, J. and Pedrozo, E. (2011). Knowledge management when Brazil meets Portugal: western and eastern innovation co-work, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, USA.


Maehler, A.,  Curado, C., Pires, J. and Pedrozo, E. (2011). Knowledge management when Brazil meets Portugal: western and eastern innovation co-work, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, USA.


Werbel James D.,  Henriques P.L. &, Howell Jon P., (2011) New Perspectives on substitutes for Leadership: An Examination of Leader Human and Social Capital, Proceedings of the EURAM, 11th Annual Conference, EURAM, Tallin, Estonia.