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Azevedo-Pereira, J. and Viegas, C. "Mortgage valuation: a quasi-closed-form solution",    Quantitative Finance, 12 (7), 993-1001. (    Click here).


Chen, N., Vieira, A., Ribeiro, B., Duarte, J.,    Neves, J. (2011), "A stable credit rating model based on learning vector quantization",    Intelligent Data Analysis, 15(2): 237-250. (    Click here)


Duque, J., Zambujal-Oliveira, J. (2011), "Operational asset replacement strategy: A real options approach",    European Journal of Operational Research 210 (2): 318-325. (    Click here)


Ferreira, D., Ferreira, M.,    Raposo, C. (2011), "Board Struture and Price Informativeness",     Journal of Financial Economics, 99, 523-545.(    Click here

Gaio, C. and    Raposo, C. (2011), "Earnings Quality and Firm Valuation: International Evidence",    Accounting and Finance, 51 (2), 467-499.(    Click here)