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Chaves, M., Rodrigo   Pedron, Cristiane Drebes; (2011). "Analysing reviews in the Web 2.0: Small and medium hotels in Portugal",   Tourism Management, 33, 1286-1287.(   Click here


Cragg, P.,  Caldeira, M., Ward, J. (2011). "Organizational Information Systems Competences in Small and Medium-sized Enterprised"  Information& Management, 48, pp.353-363. (  Click here )  


Dhillon, G., Caldeira, M., Wenger, M. (2011). "In Tentacionaly and Power Interplay in IS implementation: The Case of Asset Management Firm". The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 20(4). (  Click here )


Gonçalves-Correia, P. and  Palma-dos-Reis, A. "Pesquisa Estruturada versus Pesquisa em Texto Livre na Seleção de Imóveis em Sites Imobiliários",  Revista Portuguesa e Brasileira de Gestão, (ISSN 1645-4464) Vol. 10 , No. 4, Outubro a Dezembro de 2011.(  Click here ) 


Issa T. and   Isaías, P. (2011). "Reflective Journals for Postgraduate Students' Learning: An Australian Case Study",   The International Journal of Learning, 18(3), ISSN: 1447-9494. (   Click here


Pedron, Cristiane e Caldeira, Mário (2011). " Costumer Relationchip Management adaption: using a dynamic capatabilities approach",  International Journal of internet Marketing and Advertising (IJIMA), 6(3), pp. 265-281. (  Click here )