Instrumentos e Mercados Financeiros (1 º Sem 2017/2018)

MF (Mathematical Finance)

Janeiro de 2018

Publicar Publicado em 29-01-2018

30th Jan Exam info

For Tomorrow's exam:

  • All students meet at  ANFITEATRO 1 (Francesinhas)
  • Be there ahead of time... at least 15 min before, i.e no later tha  8.45h!
  • HAVE TO BRING: your  IDcalculator (+extra batteries),  pen (+extra pens),  watch (to monitor time),  TWO separate exam answering sheets already identified with your name and number.
  • NOT ALLOWED TO BRING: any notes (no paper, except for two identified exam sheets), mobile (no mobiles allowed in the room, so you cannot check time on mobiles), no pencils (answers written in pencil are not acceptable).


See you there!

Raquel M. Gaspar

Canal: Instrumentos e Mercados Financeiros - Autor: RAQUEL MARIA MEDEIROS GASPAR -

Publicar Publicado em 19-01-2018

First Seating GRADES

The grades from the First Seating Exam as well as the First Season Final Grades are now available online.

Detailed exam marking as well as details about FINAL GRADES are available in PDF files in the GRADES section. I have also included there the suggested solutions to the first exam. I remind you that there was a minumim of 8.0 at the exam required for the quizzes to play any role and that I could nicely "round" grades based upon class participation (bonus). 

I hope you find the grades fair and clear. Should you have any doubt about them the Official Checking Grades Session takes place next MONDAY, 22 JAN, at 8.30h at my office (Rua Miguel Lupi Building). After that date grades are fixed.


Raquel M. Gaspar



Canal: Instrumentos e Mercados Financeiros - Modificado em 19-01-2018 -

Publicar Publicado em 03-01-2018

IMF: 2018 info

Happy 2018!


  • PAST EXAMS SOLUTIONS: As promissed the solutions to the Exams of 20160111 and 20160205 are now available online.


    • All students meet at the ANFITEATRO 3 (not anfiteatro4). 
    • Be there ahead of time... at least 15 min before!
    • HAVE TO BRING: your ID, calculator (+extra batteries), pen (+extra pens), watch (to monitor time), TWO separate exam answering sheets already identified with your name and number.
    • NOT ALLOWED TO BRING: any notes (no paper, except for two identified exam sheets), mobile (no mobiles allowed in the room, so you cannot check time on mobiles), no pencils (answers written in pencil are not acceptable).


See you there and until then .. enjoy your study!

Raquel M. Gaspar

Canal: Instrumentos e Mercados Financeiros - Autor: RAQUEL MARIA MEDEIROS GASPAR -