Economics I (1 º Sem 2017/2018)


Outubro de 2017

Publicar Publicado em 23-10-2017

Midterm Test

The midterm test is this Thursday, 9 th of November, at 8 am, in room Af1.


Please bring a photo ID card, pens, and a non-graphical calculator. You will not be allowed to use a graphical calculator in any circumstances. See what type of calculators are allowed in "See More" - "Authorised Calculators." We will provide answer sheets.


The test lasts for 75 minutes, and consists of 20 multiple-choice questions and an open exercise. So it has the same structure as previous midterm tests. You can find two previous midterm test here: see in "See More" - "Previous exams and tests."


The test will cover chapters 1 to 7 (excluding in chapter 7 "Tax efficiency and fairness" and following sections) and chapter 10 (excluding the appendix).


"Terceira-fase" students:

If you have joined ISEG in the so-called "terceira fase", as it was just a couple of weeks before the midterm test, you can take the normal-period exam even if you do not take the midterm test, in which case your grade will be just your exam grade; if you take the midterm test, the normal grade rules apply. See assessment rules.

Canal: Economics I - Autor: JACINTO CORREIA BRAGA -