Microeconomics I (1 º Sem 2018/2019)


Janeiro de 2019

Publicar Publicado em 30-01-2019

Publicação de Notas

The exam viewing session has taken place already
A pauta pode ser consultada aqui

Canal: Microeconomics I -

Publicar Publicado em 24-01-2019

Regular-Period Grades

The regular exam and final grades are now published. Look into "See More", "Tests and Exams". For detailed Class-Question grades look into "See More", "Class Questions".

You can view your exam next Wednesday, 30th of January, at 12 noon. I will let you know the venue in the meantime.

Canal: Microeconomics I - Autor: JACINTO CORREIA BRAGA -

Publicar Publicado em 07-01-2019


The regular exam, this Thursday at 9 am, takes place in room F1 - 103, 

As usual, bring ISEG answer sheets and a nongraphical calculator.

Please remember, you can take this exam only if you got at least 7.5 in the midterm test.

Canal: Microeconomics I - Autor: JACINTO CORREIA BRAGA -