Política Monetária (2 º Sem 2018/2019)

EMF (Economia Monetária e Financeira)

Abril de 2019

Publicar Publicado em 26-04-2019

Two problems with the sample questions

Question 12 was not explained this year. So, fortget it.

Question 14: Replace housing expenditures by "consumption of housing services".

Question 5: The answer can be obtianed from what I explained in the last 5 minutes of the last lecture (L8).

Note that the rest of this lecture 8 will NOT be assessed in the first test.

Canal: Política Monetária - Autor: PEDRO ALEXANDRE REIS CARVALHO LEÃO - Modificado em 26-04-2019 -

Publicar Publicado em 26-04-2019

Sample questions already available in the section "weekly questions"


Canal: Política Monetária - Autor: PEDRO ALEXANDRE REIS CARVALHO LEÃO -

Publicar Publicado em 09-04-2019

My lecture notes are already available at the copyshop (on the basement of Fr 2)

From week 1 to week 7 (unitil and including the Replacement of MP by FP).

These are the weeks that will be assessed in the 1st test.

The test will consist of  55 TF questions .

To have a good performance in TF questions  you must understand everything; you don't need to memorize anything.

Canal: Política Monetária - Autor: PEDRO ALEXANDRE REIS CARVALHO LEÃO - Modificado em 12-04-2019 -