Strategic Marketing (2 º Sem 2019/2020)



Publicar Publicado em 20-06-2020

Specific instructions for knowledge assessment (exams)  

Strategic marketing 2019/2020 - 2nd Semester
Specific instructions for knowledge assessment (exams)
In line with the adaptations needed due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, the Strategic Marketing teaching team prepared a set of specific instructions that must be considered by the students of this Course Unit when taking the exams.
In this context, the following should be noted: 1) It is assumed that students understand and accept that the evaluation is carried out without consultation; 2) The exam will be prepared and made available on the Microsoft Forms platform (the same used in the simulations performed); 3) The links to the exam will be available at the beginning on Microsoft Teams. Groups will be created that may not correspond to the existing classes. It is recommended that students pay particular attention to this detail and access about 10 minutes before the start of the assessment; 4) Students must comply with ISEG recommendations regarding the use of Microsoft Teams and Microsoft Forms. Due to previous problems with using browsers such as Safari to access Microsoft Forms, the use of Edge  Chromium, Google Chrome, Edge or Mozilla Firefox browser to carry out the evaluation, is recommended; 5) Before taking the test, students must access the browser designated for this purpose and log out on other accounts in their browser. Then, students must log out and re-access the browser and log in with their ISEG account and credentials; 6) Students must reserve a period of 1h30 to take the exam;  7) The exam will have two parts (corresponding to 2 different links): a. Part 1 will consist of 30 multiple-choice questions. Each correct answer will have a rating of 0.5 points and each wrong answer will discount 0.1 points. A non-response option will be included; b. Part 2 will consist of 2 open answer questions. In this part, it is intended that students interconnect various aspects and concepts of the course program. A case for reflection can be proposed, requested an answer with presentation of examples or other variation. Answers must not exceed 1,000 characters (approximately 20 lines or
half a page). A keyboard will be necessary to answer the Open answer questions in order to facilitate writing; c.  The exam in Microsoft Forms will contain information on the score of each question, which will be on a scale from 0 to 200 points (200 points will correspond to a 20 score). For example, a multiple-choice question, which has a score of 0.5 values, will be marked with a score of 5 points. 8) The answers to the questions in Part 1 and Part 2 must be provided on the platform itself. There may be a few minutes between the two parts; 9) Students, at the beginning of the test will be informed of the time limit for the completion of each part of the test. Throughout the test, students will be advised of the approaching time limit for submission of responses. Failure to submit responses within the time limit implies that they will not be registered for evaluation; 10) The Strategic Marketing teaching team decided to implement a video surveillance system, in accordance with point 2 of the exam rules (version of 20 May 2020, available at Hence: a. Before the start of the test, all students will be called; b. Throughout the test, students may be contacted randomly; c. Students who, for some reason, cannot or do not want to have a camera connected, may be subject to a later verification, namely through an oral examination; d. As stated in the rules for examination, any fraudulent act will be dealt with zero tolerance. 11) Students who have not obtained a classification in the continuous assessment may participate in the regular season exam, being credited with a score of 7.5 values in the continuous assessment. It will be at the discretion of the teaching team the possibility that, regardless of the grade achieved, an oral test can be carried out later on to determine the grade corresponding to continuous assessment; 12) Students with special educational needs are advised to contact their teachers until June 15th to obtain additional information. As a result of the exam rules mentioned above, a specific Team is expected to be formed; 13) Any student who has a problem with the test must immediately contact the teacher who is doing the surveillance.
The Strategic Marketing teaching team wishes all students the greatest success in the exams and recognizes the correct and committed posture that everyone assumed in the classes held throughout the semester.

Canal: Strategic Marketing - Autor: Bernardo Chagas - Data de criação: 20-06-2020