Financial and ESG Reporting (1 º Sem 2020/2021)

MIM (Management)


Publicar Publicado em 11-11-2020

Quiz 2 - Grades

Good afternoon everyone,
I have just uploaded the grades from Quiz 2 in Aquila. The grades are, in average, 2 points lower than the grades from Quiz 1. I reinforce that I am available to clarify any doubts in chat (Teams), email ou during the tutoring classes on Mondays.

It took me a lot longer than I expected to evaluate these quizzes, since there were some plagiarism situations. In cases where plagiarism was detected I still evaluate the quizzes, but those questions where plagiarism was evident were evaluated with zero points for all students involved. I truly hope that these kind of situations won’t happen again in the final exams (hopefully these ones will be performed in the classroom and not online), since plagiarism (between colleagues or from internet sources) is a serious matter and sanctions are provided by the Knowledge Assessment Regulation of ISEG. Please consult the General Assessment Regulations for Master Degrees in Appendix 1. I copy below the article 7 regarding “Frauds in assessment”:

1. Any proven fraud in assessment on course units whether it consists of copying on written tests or plagiarism in project and other work must be communicated to the SPC by the teacher responsible for the respective course unit. (…) 3. Proven fraud implies the annulment of enrolment in the Masters degree with no refund of fees paid and a prohibition on future enrolment at ISEG. 4. Students can appeal this decision, with suspension of consequences mentioned in No. 3. 5. Any appeal decision rests with a committee of independent teachers especially appointed by the president of ISEG.

Best regards,

Rita Fuentes Henriques

Canal: Financial and ESG Reporting - Autor: RITA RAMINHOS COELHO FUENTES HENRIQUES NAZARÉ MARTINS - Data de criação: 11-11-2020