Modelos em Finanças (1 º Sem 2016/2017)

CA (Actuarial Science)


Publicar Publicado em 06-12-2016

Next lecture of MIF - Friday, December 9, at 11:30 (Staples Room)

Dear Students, 
I was informed yesterday that according to the 2016/2017 academic calendar, approved by the Presidency of ISEG, the 9th December (Friday after the holiday) will work as a Thursday in terms of curricular units, schedules and rooms. This means that the next lecture of "Models in Finance" will be Friday (December 9), at the same hour and in the same room of the thursday lecture: so it will be friday, at 11:30 in the usual room (Staples). 

I am sorry I did not inform you of this earlier, but I just got this information yesterday in the afternoon. 

So, see you next friday, 

Joao Guerra 

Canal: Modelos em Finanças - Autor: JOÃO MIGUEL ESPIGUINHA GUERRA - Data de criação: 06-12-2016