Macroeconomia e Teoria Monetária (2 º Sem 2019/2020)

EC (Economia) , EMF (Economia Monetária e Financeira)


Publicar Publicado em 24-06-2020

Publicação de Notas

Examn review on June 29th, 6pm-7pm via Teams. The bonus was raised to 3 points. See the excel file in the section of weekly questions with the points each student obtained in each question. Before the review, you should first compare each of your answers with my solutions, and try to understand the points I attributed to them. In the review, you should only speak about the questions for which you believe you were really underrated.
A pauta pode ser consultada aqui

Canal: Macroeconomia e Teoria Monetária - Data de criação: 24-06-2020