Seminar (2 º Sem 2017/2018)


Fevereiro de 2018

Publicar Publicado em 28-02-2018


Dear Students,

Tomorrow´s Seminar@Undergraduate Degree in Economics for the English-language class will take place in Room 108 (F1) regardless of the topic allocated to your working group.

Canal: Seminar - Autor: LUIS PAULO MAH SILVA - Modificado em 28-02-2018 -

Publicar Publicado em 21-02-2018

Plenary Session 22-02-2018

The Plenary Session of the Seminar@Undergraduate Degree in Economics takes place on February 22nd, 2018 between 10-12am in Anfitheater 3.

Prof. Vítor Escária will offer a lecture on "Researching the Internet and the Library - accessing documents and quantitative data".

See you there!  

Canal: Seminar - Autor: LUIS PAULO MAH SILVA - Modificado em 21-02-2018 -