Fixed Income Products and Markets (2 º Sem 2018/2019)

FI (Finance)

Junho de 2019

Publicar Publicado em 15-06-2019

Room Allocation II

Dear Students,


Please have in mind that the a new Room Allocation File is already available. Consequently, the first version of the Room Allocation published should be ignored


Kind regards,


The FIPM team

Canal: Fixed Income Products and Markets - De 15-06-2019 09:00 a 25-06-2019 09:00 - Autor: JOSÉ ANTÓNIO DE AZEVEDO PEREIRA -

Publicar Publicado em 15-06-2019

Room Allocation

Dear Students,


Please have in mind that the Room Allocation File is already available.


Kind regards,


The FIPM team

Canal: Fixed Income Products and Markets - De 15-06-2019 09:00 a 25-06-2019 09:00 - Autor: JOSÉ ANTÓNIO DE AZEVEDO PEREIRA -