Project Appraisal (2 º Sem 2019/2020)


Maio de 2020

Publicar Publicado em 06-05-2020

May 12 TUESDAY : Mock Exam

Following the recommendations of the Presidency of ISEG, we will conduct a Mock Exam in the Project Appraisal class next Tuesday, May 12 at the usual Lisbon time of the class (9:00-10:50 GMT). We inform that this Mock Exam is not considered for the purposes of Assessment. However, the distribution of the maximum quotation for each question will be given. We strongly recommend that All students participate if some of you can not attend please let me know. Although not considered for the assessment, this simulation is a way of getting knowledge about the platform on which you are going to take the PA exam and thus avoiding questions of a technical nature damaging what is essential: the demonstration of your knowledge! At the beginning of the class (or before, but only available at class time) you will receive a link through MS TEAMS ( as a post) that allows you to access the Mock Exam (built in MS Forms).

Canal: Project Appraisal - Autor: ELSA MARIA NOBRE DA SILVA FONTAINHA -