Business Law (1 º Sem 2020/2021)


Fevereiro de 2021

Publicar Publicado em 11-02-2021

Publicação de Notas

Dear Students: Since the deadline to change any choice you made about elective courses is tomorrow, the classifications obtained at 05.FEB.2021 exam will be deemed the final ones and submitted to the Secretary at once. In case any of you pretends to discuss the exam with me, please send me a message. Academic Regards. Pedro de Sá Nogueira
A pauta pode ser consultada aqui

Canal: Business Law -

Publicar Publicado em 03-02-2021


Dear Students:
Any Student who didn´t attend the exam which took place last 19.JAN.2021 or didn´t pass has the possibility to attend next 05.FEB.2021 exam. Since this one must be on line, a team named DIREITO EMPRESARIAL BUSINESS LAW was especially created.
The exam - 30 multiple choice questions and a comment - shall start at 12:00 and the answers must be given at MS FORMS directly.
The refusal to the request of any of the three vigilant Professors to turn your cameras on can deemed as exam abandonment.
Although the short story for this exam is the same used on 19.JAN.2021, you´ll find the respective link infra.
Fill | Business Law
Short story
<;groupId=909142cb-f25a-479c-a661-5a4297765a27&amp;parentMessageId=1612370057998&amp;teamName=BL-E E31 (TP) [2020-2021 1º Semestre]&amp;channelName=Geral&amp;createdTime=1612370057998>

Canal: Business Law - Autor: PEDRO ROQUE DO VALE DE SÁ NOGUEIRA -