Corporate Finance II (1 º Sem 2020/2021)


Dezembro de 2020

Publicar Publicado em 11-12-2020

Problem Set 4 for Grading Purposes has been launched

Dear Students,

The Problem Set 4 is now available in the section "Problem Sets for Grading Purposes".

Solutions should be submitted to , until December 18th 23:59.

Students must organize themselves into groups of 2 to 3 students.

Please make sure you include your name and student's number on the first page (cover page).
Good work,

The CF II Teaching Team

Canal: Corporate Finance II - Modificado em 11-12-2020 -

Publicar Publicado em 10-12-2020

Grades, Quizzes and Problem Sets

Dear Students,


  1. Grades


For quizzes 1 to 3 and problem set 1 (PS) are already available in section “Grades”.


  1. Quizzes:


The CF2 teaching team is aware of technical issues that some students have been facing in the submission of quizzes. These are IT related issues which are out of our control, yet we apologise for any inconvenience caused.

After examining this type of complaint, the IT team that developed the software stated that the type of problem reported cannot technically take place. In spite of that, we accounted for all situations timely reported.

It is important to note that besides reports that seem to be completely genuine, we also received some complaints that of a highly dubious nature. Consequently, a decision was made about which cases to consider, based on the timing of the report.

During the lecture, students received instructions on how to proceed whether a technical issue arises: 1) secure proof of your answers, 2) confirm all answers submitted, and 3) report any IT issue immediately after the deadline for the submission.

Each quiz was scheduled to run from 10:30 to 10:55. Issues reported until 10m after the official submission time were analysed.


  1. Next quiz:


Will take place on December 14th.

Will also be scheduled from 10:30 to 10:55.

During the next Quiz, once again we will accept mails with “proofs” of submission of answers different from those recorded by the IT system, only up to 10 minutes after the submission deadline.

In other words, all technical issues should be reported to no longer than 10 minutes after the official submission deadline.


  1. Problem Sets:


Students aiming to review the problem sets may do so. Later, we will book an MS Teams session for PS review.


The CF2 Teaching Team


Canal: Corporate Finance II - De 10-12-2020 09:00 a 25-12-2020 09:00 - Autor: JOSÉ ANTÓNIO DE AZEVEDO PEREIRA -

Publicar Publicado em 06-12-2020

No theoretical lecture on December, 7.

Dear Students,



i) the Government decision to suspend lectures during the period that includes the next lecture, and also

ii) the stage that has already been reached in the course Syllabus,

The lecture that was supposed to take place on December, 7, will not take place.


Kind regards,


José Azevedo Pereira

Canal: Corporate Finance II - De 06-12-2020 09:00 a 15-12-2020 09:00 - Autor: JOSÉ ANTÓNIO DE AZEVEDO PEREIRA -

Publicar Publicado em 06-12-2020

Problem Set 3 for Grading Purposes has been launched

Dear Students,

The Problem Set 3 is now available in the section "Problem Sets for Grading Purposes".

Solutions should be submitted to , until December 11th 23:59.

Students must organize themselves into groups of 2 to 3 students.

Please make sure you include your name and student's number on the first page (cover page).
Good work,

The CF II Teaching Team

Canal: Corporate Finance II - Autor: VICTOR MAURILIO SILVA BARROS -