Case Studies in Financial Engeneering (1 º Sem 2020/2021)

FI (Finance)

Janeiro de 2021

Publicar Publicado em 31-01-2021

Retake Exam - Rules


1.       These rules are mandatory, along with those described in the post published in Aquila’s page of the course, on the 26th Jan.2021. 

2.       The students will have to connect via a link for a Teams meeting that will be provided by the administrative services of ISEG.

3.       The exam has 2 sections, A and B.

4.       Both sections will be made available in Aquila each one at different moments in time. You will find them in the folder “Exam – Feb21” at the time of the exam, immediately before the start of each section. 

5.       These two sections will be done sequentially, starting with section A and having a short break between A and B.

6.       Both sections will be on an open book basis. 

7.       The answers to both sections of the exam have to be handwritten using either a white paper or “ISEG paper”.

8.       At the end of each section of the exam, the students will have to send their digitalized answers by e-mail to both Professors. You may use a scanner or a mobile photo. The emails of your teachers are:



9.       After sending the email with your handwritten answers the teachers will acknowledge the reception of these answers sending a confirmation message and only after  you got it you may leave the Teams meeting created for the exam. 

10.   When thoughappropriate, an oral exam to confirm the grades in the written exam will be performed at a date and time to be announced by the Professors. 


Section A 

1.       It corresponds to the first part of the lectures, on derivatives. All students will have to answer to it. 

2.       Those students that have gotten a grade from the Case Studies only have to answer to Section A of the exam. Their final grade will take into account the grades obtained in the case studies and the exam, with the weights attached to the exam and to the cases according to those disclosed in the syllabus. 

3.       Section A it will take 1 hour strictly, with no time extensions. 


Section B 

1.       It corresponds to the case studies.  

2.       Only students who didn’t obtain an approval grade in the cases will have to answer to this part.  0

3.       This section will start some minutes after the settlement of Section A as explained before.

4.       For this section, the case studies considered in the questions will be made available at the Aquila, along with the remaining sections of the exam and can only be used to answer to the exam’s questions. Therefore, due to copyright issues, you’re not allowed to keep the cases after the end of the exam and must delete any copy you may have done. 

With our best regards


Joao Duque and Jorge Barros Luís

Canal: Case Studies in Financial Engeneering - Autor: JORGE BARROS LUIS -

Publicar Publicado em 29-01-2021

Publicação de Notas

A pauta pode ser consultada aqui

Canal: Case Studies in Financial Engeneering -

Publicar Publicado em 26-01-2021

Retake Exam

Dear Students,

We would like to inform you that the retake exam will occur on the 2nd February, 6 pm, according to the initial calendar, while the exam for grade improvement will be postponed to next September.

The retake exam will be online and you will have to comply with the following very strict rules:

1.   You have to make the necessary arrangements in order to get a room where no one is authorized to access during the exam. If someone enters in the room you will be immediately excluded.

2.   The room must have a good internet access.

3.   During the exam, the internet connection can only be used to communicate with the Professors.

4.   You must be permanently connected via Teams to the digital room WITH YOUR CAMERA AND MICRO ON. The Professors may not be with their camera on BUT IT IS MANDATORY THAT YOUR CAMERA AND MICROPHONE ARE PERMANENTLY ON.


6.   You will write with your own hand that you fully accomplished with the rules and that you used no devices nor materials besides the authorised paper based support materials, you didn’t use any help from no one nor use any other ways that will put in a better situation than your colleagues.

7.   After finishing the exam, you will shot your handwritten exam with your camera and you will send the photos to the Professors.


Canal: Case Studies in Financial Engeneering - Autor: JORGE BARROS LUIS - Modificado em 26-01-2021 -

Publicar Publicado em 25-01-2021

Publicação de Notas

Dear Students, We have just released the final grades. You may find the information behind these grades in Aquila, tab "Exam Jan21" (the correction criteria of the exam will be posted soon). The discussion session will start at 6 pm, on Wedenesday (the 27th Jan). If you wish to participate, please send an e-mail to both Professors by 1 pm tomorrow (the 26th January), stating the exam questions or the cases and assignments you would like to discuss and your doubts about them. Afterwards, we'll inform you about the details of the session. Kind regards
A pauta pode ser consultada aqui

Canal: Case Studies in Financial Engeneering - Modificado em 25-01-2021 -