Economics I (1 º Sem 2013/2014)


Novembro de 2013

Publicar Publicado em 26-11-2013

Midterm test grades and class questions

The Midterm test grades and all class questions done so far have just been published. Look for the grades in "More - Midterm test."

Canal: Economics I - Autor: JACINTO CORREIA BRAGA -

Publicar Publicado em 07-11-2013

Midterm test

The midterm test is this Monday, 11th of November, at 9.45 in rooms 102 and 103, Francesinhas 1 building. Students are allocated to the rooms as follows:

 André to Luís take the test in room 103;

Madalena to Zakhar take the test in room 102.


After the test, at 10.30, the class resumes in room 103.


The test starts sharp at 9.45 and finishes at 10.30. Please arrive a couple of minutes early, so that you are able to fill in your details on the test front page before you start at 9.45.


The test covers all syllabus up to chapter 11: chapters 1 to 7 (chapter 7 excludes sections Tax Fairness and Tax Efficiency, and Understanding the Tax System) and 10 (including appendix) and 11.


You cannot look up any books or notes. Electronic devices must be swiched off. You are only allowed on your table the test paper, writing material, and an authorised calculator (non graphical calculators, see "Authorised calculators" under "More" for clarification).

Canal: Economics I - Autor: JACINTO CORREIA BRAGA - Modificado em 07-11-2013 -