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FIN  >  Finanças  >  Currículo  >  Culture, Economy and Society

Licenciatura em Finanças

Plano Curricular Finanças

Culture, Economy and Society (CES)

UC Competência

Culture, Economy and Society(Ciências Sociais)

UC Execução

Culture, Economy and Society (2020/2021 - Semestre 2)
Culture, Economy and Society (2019/2020 - Semestre 2)
Culture, Economy and Society (2018/2019 - Semestre 2)


Grupo: Finanças > 1º Ciclo > Unidades Curriculares Optativas

Período: 3 Ano, 2 Semestre


4.0 (para cálculo da média)


The main aim of this course is to develop observational, analytical and critical skills on culture. The focus is on social life and interaction, by encompassing sociological theory and concepts, as well as practical field experience.

Specific objectives:

- To understand that social life has no natural sections or frontiers, and that social sciences and their specialities do strictly correspond to conventional perspectives that change over time, space and social circumstances.
- To understand the concept of Culture, its history, and its main versions and theoretical approaches.
- To understand the place of ?Culture? and Cultural Analysis in the universe of Social Sciences.
- To understand a selected array of Cultural Analysis?s topics, such as Economy, Consumer Culture, Society, like Market, Space and Time, the Public/Private divide, and also the many connections between them.


1. Culture is ordinary;
2. Tradition, Modernity, and Post-modernity and the Cultural Turn;
3. Globalization and the Spatial Turn;
4. Themes of cultural analysis: from landscape to economy, and much more;
5. Culture, Economy and Society: Aesthetization, Emotionalization, Commodification and Rationalization;
6. Consumer Culture and the Sensorium;
7. "Take a walk in the wild side": cultural observation and analysis.

Metodologia de avaliação

The final grade will result from the weighted average of two main assignments and the participation in inside (class attendance and engagement) and outside (short visits in town) activities:

1) Assignment 1 ? a research group project: 50%.
2) Assignment 2 ? a short individual essay on a freely chosen topic: 30%.
3) Activities participation: 20%.

A final exam will be available for the students whose option is not to take part in the group project and the individual essay.



Post-Fordism: Models, Fantasies and Phantoms of Transition

Amin, Ash


In Ash Amin (ed.), Post-Fordism: A Reader, Oxford, Blackwell: 1-39.

Key Concepts in Cultural Theory

Edgar, Andrew e Peter Sedgwick (eds)


Londres, Routledge.

Core Sociological Dichotomies

Jenks, Chris (ed.)


Londres, Sage.

Gated communities, commodification and aestheticization: The case of the Lisbon Metropolitan area

Raposo, Rita


Geojournal, 66, pp. 43-56.

Consumer Culture & Modernity

Slater, Don


Cambridge, Polity Press: 8-32.



Black, Jeremy


In John W. Yolton, Roy Porter, Pat Rogers e Barbara Maria Stafford (eds.), The Blackwell Companion to the Enlightenment,Oxford, Blackwell: 70.

Beyond Blade Runner: Urban Control, the Ecology of Fear

Davis, Mike


Westfield, W.J., Open Magazine Pamphlets.

Lifestyle and Consumer Culture

Featherstone, Mike


Theory, Culture & Society, vol. 4, 1: 55-70.

Spaces of Hope

Harvey, David


Edimburgo, Edinburgh University Press.

The Invention of Tradition

Hobsbawm, Eric e Ranger


Terence (eds.) Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

The Imagined Space: Nostalgia for Kampungs

Huat, Chua Beng


In Brenda Yeoh e Lily Kong (eds.), Portraits of Places: History, Community and Identity in Singapore, Singapura, Times Editions.

The Centrality of the Eye in Western Culture

Jenks, Chris


in Chris Jenks (ed.), Visual Culture, Londres e Nova Iorque, Routledge: 1-25.

Buildings and Society: Essays on the Social Development of the Built Environment

King, Anthony D. (ed.)


Londres, Routledge & Kegan Paul.

Re-Presenting the City: Ethnicity, Capital and Culture in the 21St-Century

King, Anthony D. (ed.)


Metropolis, Nova Iorque, New York University Press.

The Concepts of Culture and of Social System

Kroeber, A.L. e Talcott Parsons


American Sociological Review, vol. 23: 582-583.

Public and Private in Thought and Practice: Perspectives on a Grand Dichotomy

Kumar, Krishan e Jeff Weintraub (eds.)


Chicago, University of Chicago Press.

Nostalgia tells it like it wasn't

Lowenthal, David


In Christopher Shaw e Malcom Chase (eds.), The Imagined Past: History and Nostalgia, Manchester e Nova Iorque, Manchester University Press: 18-32.

Landscape and Power

Mitchell, W. J. Thomas (ed.)


Chicago e Londres, The University of Chicago Press.\

Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society

Williams, Raymond


Londres, Fontana Press.

The Country and the City, Londres

Williams, Raymond


The Hogarth Press.