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FIN  >  Finanças  >  Currículo  >  History of the European Union

Licenciatura em Finanças

Plano Curricular Finanças

History of the European Union (HEU-OPT)

UC Competência

History of the European Union(Ciências Sociais)

UC Execução

History of the European Union (2020/2021 - Semestre 1)
History of the European Union (2019/2020 - Semestre 1)
History of the European Union (2018/2019 - Semestre 1)
History of the European Union (2017/2018 - Semestre 1)
History of the European Union (2016/2017 - Semestre 1)


Grupo: Finanças > 1º Ciclo > Unidades Curriculares Optativas

Período: 3 Ano, 1 Semestre


4.0 (para cálculo da média)


Study of the main aspects of the structure and functioning of the European Union in historical perspective, in order to understand its present significance and its possible evolution.


- The concept of Europe: geographical perspective;

- The concept of Europe: cultural perspective;

- Long-term trends of European history: demography;

- Long-term trends of European history: economy;

- Long-term trends of European history: culture;

- Long-term trends of European history: politics;

- Europe in the aftermath of World War II;

- The Organization of European Economic Cooperation;

- The European Communities and the European Free Trade Association;

- The European Community, the European Union and the European Economic Space;

- Recent evolution of the European Union;

- Perspectives for the future of the European Union: the European Union in a European context;

- Perspectives for the future of the European Union: the European Union in a World context.

Metodologia de avaliação

Normal assessment period - Presentation and discussion of an essay of about 24 000 characters on a topic of the program by groups of 3 to 5 students or written examination.
Repeat assessment period - Written examination.



Europe recast: a history of European Union

Dinan, Desmond


Palgrave, London.

Fondements et étapes de la construction européenne

Hamon, Dominique; Keller, Ivan Serge


Presses Universitaires de France, Paris.

The European Union ? History, Institutions, Economics and Politics

El-Agraa, Ali


Prentice Hall Europe, London


The past, present and future of the European Union

Deardorf, Alan (editor)


Palgrave, London.