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FIN  >  Finanças  >  Currículo  >  History of Economic Thought

Licenciatura em Finanças

Plano Curricular Finanças

History of Economic Thought (HPE)

UC Competência

History of Economic Thought(Economia)

UC Execução

History of Economic Thought (2020/2021 - Semestre 1)


Grupo: Finanças > 1º Ciclo > Unidades Curriculares Optativas

Período: 3 Ano, 1 Semestre


6.0 (para cálculo da média)


To understand the main theories and debates in economics, from the point of view of the texts, the authors and their exchanges.

To understand the contours of the contemporary theories and the methods in economics, including experiments, behavioural finance, games and economic psychology.

To prepare the students to read the scientific journals, to prepare a paper and to define a proper investigation.


- Introduction to methods in economics. A brief description of the frontiers in economics;
- The main authors (classical and neoclassical economics, Keynes);
- Economics from 1950 until now.

Metodologia de avaliação

The students may choose either a final exam and a combination of a short essay, as a paper to be submitted to a scientific journal, and the exam (50% each).



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