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Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão (ISEG)


Publicar Publicado em: 10-02-2012

Artigo de professora e investigadora do ISEG aceite para publicação na revista internacional do ISI - Journal of Business Research

linkFoi aceite para publicação na revista internacional do ISI "Journal of Business Research", special issue "Advancing Research Methods in Marketing", o artigo com o título "Multi-Group Invariance in a Third-Order Factorial Model: Attribute Satisfaction Measurement", da autoria de Helena Milagre Martins Gonçalves - ADVANCE, ISEG.


Abstract: The definition and measurement of attribute satisfaction, AS, are important for marketing theory and marketing management. The conceptualization of AS integrates different streams of literature. Attribute satisfaction is a multidimensional and multilevel construct with three primary dimensions: the core of the service, the peripheral aspects of service quality (SQUAL), and value (VAL). Furthermore, SQUAL has three sub-dimensions and VAL has two. This paper estimates a confirmatory factor analytic third-order model that shows that the AS scale demonstrates good psychometric properties for reliability, and content, convergent and predictive validity. The paper also assesses the AS scale invariance: whether the scale has the same structure and meaning for different groups, and whether the scale can be used to study its relation with other constructs and to estimate mean differences in a valid way. In testing gender invariance, specifically, AS exhibits full configural and metric invariance and partial scalar invariance.