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Call for papers Link


Call for papers


ADVANCE - The ISEG Management Research Center at the University of Lisbon and the Faculty of Business Administration at the University of Macau invite authors to submit articles in the area of ​​Human Resources Management and related topics for the 3rd International Conference on Resource Management Humans - 2021. We accept theoretical and empirical articles in Portuguese or English.


Submissions should follow the rules of The Learning Organization ( 


We invite researchers from Human Resource Management and related areas, students from master's and doctoral programs, as well as professionals and those interested in the topics listed.


With this Call for Papers, we encourage multiple contributions from different areas of Human Resource Management to the discussion, since the main objective of this conference is to present evidence on the contribution of Human Resource Management to Sustainability. Theoretical approaches, such as contributions dedicated to topics little explored in Human Resources Management and Sustainability or offering new philosophical / methodological positions are welcome. However, empirical approaches are also relevant to this conference, as are the examples of articles that report on unique, systematic, innovative and integrative empirical investigations. Submissions of empirical studies using quantitative, qualitative or mixed method analyzes are equally desirable. We invite research contributions from any point of view that represents a mainstream innovation!


The Conference goals are:



▪ To create an arena for discussing quality scientific research in the scientific areas of Human Resource Management and related;


▪ To promote the production of quality scientific research in the scientific areas of Human Resource Management and related;


▪ To contribute to the development of articles and work in progress through its constructive discussion;


▪ To provide early-stage researchers with the discussion of their research projects, in the form of an article;


▪ To develop skills in terms of critical evaluation of scientific papers and presentation of research papers.


Conference dates

The Conference will be held on 18 and 19 November 2021, combining plenary and parallel sessions dedicated to the presentation and discussion of accepted articles.


The presentation and discussion of articles will work in parallel sessions, with the time allocated for the presentation and discussion of each article of 20 min. Articles will be accepted based on their merit, and they may be in an intermediate stage of their preparation. After acceptance of the submitted articles, this will only become definitive when at least one of the authors of the article signs up for the Conference and makes the respective payment.


All accepted articles will be collected in a book of proceedings (just abstracts of articles) with ISBN. The book of proceedings will be published in English, so articles in Portuguese should have an abstract in Portuguese and an abstract in English.




Conference target

This conference is targeted to researchers and professors in Human Resource Management and related areas, students of master's and doctoral programs, as well as other agents interested in the research topics presented.




Important dates

Submission: until August 31 , 2021, by email to:


Note: The title of the e-mail must clearly state the conference track to which the article is submitted to.


Communication of acceptance of papers for presentation: until September 30, 2021.


Registration of authors of accepted papers for presentation: up to 5 days after receiving the notification of acceptance.


Registration: from October 1, 2021 to October 31, 2021 (1st period); from November 1 to November 16, 2021 (2nd period).



Detailed information about the International HRM Conference 2021 is available at /aquila/investigacao/ADV/conferencia-internacional-de-grh-2021 


The selection of papers for presentation at the Conference will be subject to their appreciation by the evaluators assigned to each track.



Partnership with the scientific journal: The Learning Organization



We are happy to announce that The Learning Organization joins this conference by editing a special issue with the best articles from the conference entitled:


Learning Organization, Human Resource Management and Sustainability: Leading the future of organizations


Deadline for submission of articles to this special issue is January 15, 2022 - The special issue will be published predictably in early 2023.