Bruno Lopes
Degree in History – Cultural Heritage (2008) and Master in Management and Valorization of Historical and Cultural Heritage (2012). Since 2013 he has been working on his PhD project on the theme ‘The Financial Pillars of the Portuguese Inquisition (1640-1773). To this end he received a PhD scholarship from the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (Foundation for Science and Technology) (SFRH / BD / 84161/2012).
Current Scientific/Professional Activity
He is currently a research fellow of the project 'Sovereigndebtandprivatecredit in Portugal (1668-1797)' (PTDC / HAR-HIS / 28809/2017), hosted at CSG-ISEG / ULisboa.
Research interests and Project
He is an integrated member of CIDEHUS-Universidade de Évora and a collaborator of CSG –ISEG / ULisboa and of CITCEM-FLUPorto.
Since 2009 he has devoted his attention to inquisitorial studies. Firstly - in his master's thesis - from the perspective of social promotion mechanisms especially through the application of the blood purity statutes and of the articulations of the agents of the Holy Office with the local elites. His doctorate, on the other hand, is focused on studying the financial architecture of the Inquisition, seeking to understand who funded this organization and why they did it.
Most relevant publications:
2019 - LOPES, Bruno e JESUS, Roger Lee de (ed.), «Finanças, economia e instituições no Portugal Moderno (séculos XVI-XVIII)» (“Finance, Economy and Institutions in Modern Portugal (16th-18th Centurie”), Coimbra, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.
2016 - BRANCO, Manuel J. C., LOPES, Bruno e OLIVAL, Fernanda (eds.), Marcas da Inquisição em Évora: acervos do Museu e da Biblioteca Pública: catálogo, (Marks of the Inquisition in Évora: Museum and Public Library collections: catalog), Lisboa, Apenas Livros. ISBN: 978-989-618-541-1.
2013 – LOPES, Bruno, A Inquisição em Terra de Cristãos-Novos (The Inquisition in New Christians’ Land): Arraiolos 1570-1773, Lisboa, Apenas Livros. ISBN: 978-989-618-419-3.
2015 – FAÍSCA, Carlos Manuel; LOPES, Bruno, «Desigualdade de rendimento no Alentejo do Antigo Regime: Arraiolos, Avis e Portalegre (1690-1725)» (“Income inequality in Alentejo during the Ancien Régime”): Arraiolos
2017 - SANTOS, Carlota; LOPES, Bruno, «Marriage Strategies in Communities of Southern Portugal (17th – 18th Centuries)», in Revista de Demografía Histórica, XXXV, I, pp. 55-91.
, Avis and Portalegre (1690-1725)”, In Análise Social, No. 215, l (2nd), pp. 330-354.
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