Accounting I (1 º Sem 2019/2020)


Método de Avaliação

Evaluation in ?Época Normal? and ?Época de Recurso? has the following rules:
(i) Época Normal - The final grade is obtained by applying the following weights:
- 30% for the mid-term test (?prova intercalar?);
- 20 % for the evaluation exercise;
- 50% for the exam ?Época Normal? (minimum of 7.5 points). Only students with continuing evaluation can take the exam ?Época Normal?.

(ii) Época de Recurso - The final grade is obtained by applying the following weights:
- 100% for the exam ?Época de Recurso? or
- 50% for the exam ?Época de Recurso? (minimum of 7.5 points) and 50% of continuing evaluation, if the student benefits of continuing evaluation.
For all individual instruments of evaluation, the consultation of notes or any other materials is not allowed, except for the chart of accounts that will be handed in with the exams.
All individual instruments of evaluation will be rated with a grade between 0 and 20 points.
Students will be approved with final classifications of 10 or more points.
Final classifications above 17 may have to realize an extra oral examination