Quantitative Finance (1 º Sem 2020/2021)


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Online exam for eligible students 04.02.21

Dear students,

To avoid difficulties with internet access, you should take the following precautions before the start of the exam:

  1. Check which is your "default" browser.
  2. For this "default" browser, check whether you have logged on to any account other than your ISEG school account. If you have, then LOG OUT OF THIS ACCOUNT! If you access the exam via an account other than your own dedicated school account, your exam WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
  3. Access http://portal.office.com and log on to your ISEG school account. After logging on, maintain the browser open, as this will make the process much quicker and easier.
  4. The acceptable browsers are:
    • Microsoft Edge Chromium
    • Google Chrome
    • Mozilla Firefox ​​​​​​​

The use of any other browser can result in incompatibility problems and accordingly make it difficult to access your exam. In particular, Safari has various incompatibility problems.


Additional information about the exam I will send tomorrow when the Microsoft teams channel will be created.


Kind regards,
