Customer Relationship Management (2 º Sem 2020/2021)

MKT (Marketing)



  • Buttle, F., & Maklan, S., Customer relationship management: concepts and technologies. , Routledge., 2019
  • Chaffey, D., Edmundson-Bird, D., & Hemphill, T. , Digital business and e-commerce management. , Pearson UK., 2019
  • Kumar, V., & Reinartz, W. J. , Customer relationship management: A databased approach., Hoboken, NJ: Wiley., 2006
  • Payne, A., & Frow, P. , Strategic customer management: Integrating relationship marketing and CRM. , Cambridge University Press., 2013


  • Gummesson, E. , Total relationship marketing. , Routledge., 2011