Economic Policy and Business Activity (2 º Sem 2020/2021)


Método de Avaliação

Normal examination Period:

The  final mark will consist of: 40% of the average mark from the ongoing student assessment and 60% of the mark obtained in the final written exam.

NOTE: Students who have an average mark below 10 values on the ongoing student assessment will not be able to take the final written exam in the normal examination period, but can take the final exam in other examination periods.

Ongoing student assessment during the semester accounts for 40% of the course final mark and includes the following elements: 

• Two mini-tests with topics and date arranged in advance (50% of ongoing student assessment).

• Presentation and discussion of the texts selected for the practical sessions (50% of ongoing student assessment).


Second  examination Pe riod:

Students taking the final written exam in the second examination period will also benefit from the mark obtained in the ongoing student assessment if this helps increase their overall final mark (i.e. if the ongoing student assessment mark is higher than the mark of the final written exam). If the mark of the final written exam in the second examination period is higher than the mark of the ongoing student assessment, the former prevails.