Research Seminar II (2 º Sem 2018/2019)

Linhas Programáticas

The aim then, is that this 2nd Semester results in the approval of the research project for the doctoral thesis. The presentation and discussion of the project during a session of the Seminar will result in its reformulation under the supervision of the project thesis tutor. Participation in the discussion of other thesis projects during the Seminar may well help the reformulation of your own project.
The Research Seminar ends with the presentation of the thesis project in a public viva in front of an examination panel, after the end of lectures (in June/July, in accordance with an as yet unpublished timetable).
For each student the panel is composed as follows:- 1) the doctorate degree coordinator, who will chair the panel; 2) another member of the Scientific committee of the doctoral programme; 3) the tutor for the doctoral thesis; 4) an external professor from another university who is an expert in the field of the research under discussion.
The written description of the research project will be handed to members of the panel in advance, at a yet to be decided date.
The discussion of the project takes place over 1.5 hours, starting with a 30 minute overall presentation by the student of their thesis project. This is followed by the communication of the comments and interjection by the external professor and other members of the panel, to which the student is given an equal opportunity to reply.