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Short CV Link

cv Link

Name: António M. P. Afonso.

Place of birth: Lisbon , Portugal . Nationality : Portuguese.

Contacts :

Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão ,

R. Miguel Lúpi, 20,

P - 1249-078 Lisbon, Portugal .

Phone : +351 21 392 5985

Fax : +351 21 396 6407

e-mail :



BA, MSc., PhD., and Aggregation in Economics, ISEG (University of Lisbon). Full Professor of Economics at ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics and Management, Universidade de Lisboa. President of UECE - Research Unit on Complexity and Economics, President of REM-Research in Ecomics and Mathematics, coordinator of the Master in Monetary and Financial Economics, and coordinator of the PhD in Economics. Previously: Principal Economist at the European Central Bank, Senior Economist at CGD, BNU, and at IGCP, and Consultant and Adviser at the Ministry of Finance. Previous project work: Inter-American Development Bank, European Commission, OECD, European Court of Auditors and International Monetary Fund. He has published extensively and worked in such topics as Macroeconomics, Fiscal policy, Financial Economics, Sovereign debt, and Government efficiency.


Academic record

            - Agregação  in Economics, ISEG-UTL, 2005.

            - Ph.D. in Economics ( Doutoramento ), ISEG-UTL, 2002.

            - Master's degree in Economics, ISEG-UTL, 1993.

            - 1st degree in Economics ( Licenciatura ), ISEG-UTL, 1989.


Present appointment

- Full Professor of the Department of Economics of ISEG / UTL - Technical University of Lisbon, 2011-;


Previous appointments

          - Senior Economics, Principal Economist, at ECB, 2002-2014 .

- Associate Professor of the Department of Economics of ISEG / UTL - Technical University of Lisbon, 2009-2011;

- Assistant Professor of the Department of Economics of ISEG / UTL - Technical University of Lisbon, 2002-2009;

- Invited Teaching Assistant at the Department of Economics of ISEG/UTL - Technical University of Lisbon , 1991-2002;

- Economist at CGD - Caixa Geral de Depósitos, 2002;

- Economist at IGCP - Instituto de Gestão do Crédito Público (Portuguese Government Debt Office), 1998-2002;

- Economist at BNU - Banco Nacional Ultramarino, 1994-98;

- Adviser to the State Treasury Secretary, 1993;

- Representing the Ministry of Finance at the European Community program RENAVAL, 1992-93;

- Consultant at the Ministry of Finance, GAFEEP - Gabinete para a Análise do Financiamento do Estado e das Empresas Públicas, 1991-93;

- Economist at BNU - Banco Nacional Ultramarino, 1990;

- Economist at UAP - Union des Assurances de Paris, 1989-90;


Languages skills

Portuguese (native tongue); English (fluent); French (very good);

Spanish (fair working knowledge); Italian (fair working knowledge); German (basic knowledge).