Research Link
Publications in Double-Blind Refereed International Journals and Under Review Link
Aghaie, S., Charles H. Noble, and Carlos J.S. Lourenço (2023), "Credible vs. deceptive threat of market entry: Empirical evidence from the US airline industry," Industrial Marketing Management, 115, November, 27-43.
Lourenço, C. J. S., Isabella, G., Verbeke, W., Vo, K., Dimoka, A., & Bagozzi, R. P. (2023), "How songs from growing up and viewers' attachment styles affect video ads' effectiveness," Psychology & Marketing, 1–25.
Lourenço, Carlos J.S., Benedict G.C. Dellaert, and Bas Donkers (2020), "Whose Algorithm Says So: The Relationships Between Type of Firm, Perceptions of Trust and Expertise, and the Acceptance of Financial Robo-Advice," Journal of Interactive Marketing, 49, February, 107-124. (PDF)
Lourenço, Carlos J.S., Els Gijsbrechts, and Richard Paap (2015), "The Impact of Category Prices on Store Price Image Formation: An Empirical Analysis, " Journal of Marketing Research , 52(2), April, 200-216. (SSRN)
Lourenço, Carlos J.S., Els Gijsbrechts (2013), "The Impact of National Brand Introductions on Hard Discounter Image and Share-of-Wallet, " International Journal of Research in Marketing , 30(4), 368-382. (SSRN)