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    Professor Catedrático de Sistemas de Informação, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA.

    Professor Catedrático convidado do ISEG.

    Director do Information Technology Leadership Institute.

    Editor-in-Chief: Journal of Information System Security.

    Graus Académicos:

    Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), 1992/95: London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London, London, UK.

    Dissertation title: Interpreting the management of information system security.

    Master of Science (M.S.), 1988/89: London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London, London, UK.

    Subject: Analysis, Design and Management of Information Systems

    Master of Business Administration (MBA), 1986/88: Punjab School of Management Studies, Punjabi University, India.

    Subjects: Finance, Marketing

    Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Honors School, 1982/85: Panjab University, India.

    Subjects: Chemistry, Biology.

    2006: Award of excellence. Virginia Commonwealth University, School of Business. This award is given to faculty who have demonstrated excellence in teaching, research and service. This is the highest recognition conferred by the School.

    2006: Outstanding service award. A commendation for the successful launch of the Journal of Information System Security; Awarded by The Information Institute.

    2001: Best researcher of the year: Designated as the best researcher of the year in the Department of MIS, UNLV; Nominated for the 2001 best researcher in the College of Business, UNLV.

    1999: Best researcher of the year: Designated as the best researcher of the year in the College of Business, UNLV.