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ISEG  >  Ciências Sociais  >  IDALINA DIAS SARDINHA


Main research projects and scientific reports Link

  • (July 2016) Onwards: Co-coordination: Task Needs Assessment, project Agrotraining - Proofing GBIF use on agrobiodiversity through needs assessment and training, a partnership between College F3 (Food, Farming and Forestry  da Universidade de Lisboa, and Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF Portugal), financed by Capacity Enhancement Support Program 2016. The GBIF is an international open data infrastructure, arose from a recommendation in 1999 by the Biodiversity Informatics Subgroup of the Mega science Forum, set up by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).


  • (July 2015-July 2016) Participation: Renforcement de capacité des techniciens de la CAIA en matière de politique de protection environnementale et sociale (Capacity Building of the National Technical Environmental Assessment Agency -CAIA) of Guinea Bissau on Environmental and Social Protection Policy, coordinated by CESO (Lisbon) for World Bank and Ministry of Economy and Finance of Guinea Bissau.


  • (July 2014 -2015) Participation: Avaliação do impacto da principal legislação do setor petrolífero angolano (Assessment of the impact of major legislation of the Angolan oil sector) coordinated by CEGOC-TEA (Lisboa) for MINPET, Angola.


  • (Sep 2012 - Aug 2014) Task coordinator: Contributions of archaeological heritage "services and products" to local sustainable tourism public policies. Project Funerary practices in Alentejo's Recent Prehistory and socio-economic proceeds of heritage rescue projects. Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, ERA Arqueologia SA, SOCIUS/ISEG/UTL e Centro de Geociências Universidade de Coimbra. Project funded by FCT e COMPETE, Ref. PTDC/HIS-ARQ/114077/2009.


  • (Apr 2010 - Jun 2013) Project coordinator: Contribution of Social Responsibility to Sustainable Development - REHMINE project. SOCIUS/ISEG/UTL and ADVANCE. Project funded by FCT, Ref. PTDC/AAC-AMB/103907/2008.


  • (Aug 2008 - Apr 2010) Responsible for part of the Analysis of Environmental Viability of using CDR in Sines Central, EDP report "Waste Derived Fuels" for EDP, coordinated by Júlio Maggiolly Novais e Jorge Júlio Landeiro Vaz; prepared by Susete Martins Dias, Mário Gonçalves Costa, Rita Barros Silva, Cecília Nunes, Pedro Verga Matos and Idalina Dias Sardinha.



  • (Jul 2008 - Feb 2009) Project coordinator: Guidelines for EDM, S.A. Public company of mining and brownfield regeneration. Sustainability Strategy and Reporting.


  • (Jul 2007) Participation at the team work IN+, IST: Socio-Economic Research on Fusion (SERF) under EFDA. Possible Portuguese contributions to the fusion socio-economics program, Association EUROTOM/IST.


  • (Jan - Aug 2006) Project coordinator: CTT, Portuguese Postal Company, Sustainable Development Project, which incorporated: Internal diagnosis of sustainability in CTT; First Sustainability Report CTT
  • (2005); Benchmarking sustainability of the postal sector and Sustainability strategy for CTT.


  • (Dec 2005) Preparation of Reflections on the Contribution of Social Responsibility as a Factor in Competitiveness for the National Economy, for a report from IN+, IST, for the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning.


  • (Aug 2005) Preparation of Innovation & Social Responsibility in Portuguese Organizations for the report by IN+, IST, - Prepare Portugal for a new round of Structural Funds 2007 - 2013 - Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Development: what can we learn from research to public policies in the areas of science, innovation, economic growth and sustainable development? for the Ministry of Finance, QSA III Observatory.


  • (Jun 2004 - Feb 2005) Project co-coordination with the Department of Environmental Engineering, New University of Lisbon - Sustainability Benchmarking of Real Estate Sector for the Company Sonae Sierra, SA.