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    Catela, M., Pedron, C. e Macedo, B. (2014) "Service level agreement em cloud computing: um estudo de caso em uma empresa portuguesa". Universitas: Gestão e TI,  4: 14. ( Click here)


    Faustino, V. e Picoto, P. (2014), "Understanding Value Co-Creation in a Mobile Ecosystem - A Case STUDY", 10th International Conference on Mobile Business, London, June.


    Ferreti, R., Pedron, C. e Picoto, P. (2014), "Satisfação do Usuário com Sistemas de Informação: um Estudo no Contexto da Administração Pública Brasileira", ENANPAD 2014, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, September, 2014.


    Firmo, C. e Silva, G., (2014), "Sustainability Practices and Sustainability Orientation as Determinants of Sustainable Performance", 1st EurOMA Sustainable Operations and Supply Chains Forum, Groningen, Netherlands, 24 - 25 March.


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    Gomes, J., Romão, M., Carvalho, H. & Caldeira, M. (2014), "Organizational Maturity and Projects Performance: The Mediation of Benefits Management", in Proceedings of the WEBIST2014 - 10th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pp.375-380, DOI: 10.5220/0004939403750380. Barcelona, Spain.


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    Gomes, J. & Romão, M. (2014), "Advantages and Limitations of Performance Measurement Tools: The Balanced Scorecard", 7th IADIS International Conference on Information Systems (IS2014), Feb-Mar, Madrid, Spain. ISBN 978-989-8704-04-7, pp 19-26.


    Mendes, V. e Pedron, C. (2014) "Programas de Fidelidade: Um Estudo de Múltiplos Casos em Empresas Portuguesas". REMark. Revista Brasileira de Marketing, 13: 60, ISSN: 2177-5184. ( Click here)


    Picoto, W., Crespo, N. e Kahn, F. (2014), "Cloud Computing Usage and Organizational Mobility - An Empirical Assessment", 10th  International Conference on Mobile Business, London, UK, June.


    Picoto, W. e Ramires, D. "O impacto do M-Business nas organizações", XI Seminário Brasil-Portugal Internacionalização de Empresas, Porto Alegre, Brazil, November.


    Santos, S., Chaves, M. e Pedron, C. (2014) "An Analysis of Open-Ended Online Reviews about Bed and Breakfast and Inns in Portugal". Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa em Turismo, 8: 99-119, e-ISSN: 1982-6125. ( Click here)