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    Participação em encontros científicos internacionais com publicação


    Balle, A.R., Curado, C. & Oliveira, M. (2018). Knowledge donation and knowledge collection patterns in a free software community. Proceedings - KM Conference 2018 - Pisa, KM Conference 2018, Università di Pisa, Pisa, Italy, pp. 25

    Ferreira, V.F.C., Marques, T. & Gomes, J.F.S. (2018). A liderança responsável como incentivo ao compromisso, comportamentos de cidadania e desempenho individual. XXVIII Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Gestão Científica, 7-10 de Fevereiro, Guarda, Portugal. Best Paper na área de Jovens Investigadores.

    Lopes Henriques, P., Pereira, S. & Curado, C. (2018). Managerial Commitment Fuels Knowledge Transfer. Proceedings of the International Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance (ICMLG 2018), Bankok University, Bankok, Thailand, pp. 111-119.

    Jerónimo, H., Lacerda, T. & Lopes Henriques, P. (2018), "Role congruity of sustainability: A two mediation approach", EURAM 2018, Reykjavik, Islândia, 20-23 de Junho 2018. ISBN: 978-296-02-1950-0.

    Lacerda, T. (2018). The interplay between leadership and adverse context: The paradox explained. Proceedings: 6th International OFEL Conference on "Governance, Management and Entrepreneurship", Dubrovnik, Croatia.

    Melati, C., Janissek-Muniz, R. & Curado, C. (2018). Quality in public administration: A causal configuration analysis. Proceedings - KM Conference 2018 - Pisa, KM Conference 2018, Università di Pisa, Pisa, Italy, pp. 45

    Oliveira, M., Curado, C. & Lopes Henriques, P. (2018). Knowledge sharing among scientists: A causal configuration analysis, Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy (GIKA 2018) proocedings, Juan Sapena (Editor), Valencia, Spain, ISBN 978-84-09-00253-5.

    Soares, M.E., Mosquera, P., Fiadeiro, H. (2018). Erasmus Experience: The Impact on Students' Skills Development and Employability, conference-paper; ISSN 1949-9094. 25th IAMB Conference, ISEG, Lisboa, Portugal, 17-19 de Outubro 2018.

    Soares, M.E. & Mosquera, P. (2018). Fostering work engagement: The role of the psychological contract, conference-paper; ISBN: 978-84-09-00253-5. 8th Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy 2018, Universidade de Valencia, Valencia, Espanha, 25-27 de Junho de 2018.