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    Afonso, C., Silva, G., Gonçalves, H. & Duarte, M.  (2018), "The role of motivations and involvement in wine tourists' intention to return: SEM and fsQCA findings", Journal of Business Research, 89: 313-32; DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2017.11.042

    Caldeirinha, V., Felício, J., Cunha, S. & Luz, L. (2018) "The nexus between port governance and performance" Journal Maritime Policy & Management 45 (7): 877-892

    Casais, B. & Proença, J. (2018), "Social advertisements for public health and epidemic dynamics: A study based on HIV/AIDS prevention television advertisements in four European countries", Journal of Social Marketing. 8 (4): 397-420.

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    Crespo, C. & Inacio, N. (2018). The influence of corporate social responsibility associations on consumers' perceptions towards global brands. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 1-17.

    Felicio, J., Rodrigues, R., Grove, H. & Greiner, A. (2018), "The influence of corporate governance on bank risk during a financial crisis", Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja 31 (1): 1078-1090.

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    Mota, J., & de Castro, L. (2018), "Embedding of a new business as a cumulative process of combining different but complementary types of projects: the case of a project-based firm", Industrial Marketing Management. (accepted for publication in the special issue "Start-Ups and Business Networks")

    Simões, V.C. & Lopes, T. (2018) "Foreign Investment in Portugal and Knowledge Spillovers: From the Methuen Treaty to the 21st Century" Business History