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Bontis, N and   Curado, C. (2011). "Parallels in knowledge cycles",  Computers in Human Behavior, 27 (4), 1438 - 1444. (  Click here)


Curado, C.,  Henriques, P. L. and Bontis, N., (2011) Intellectual capital disclosure payback,  Management Decision, Volume 49 Issue 7 pp: 1080-1098. (  Click here


Curado, C., Oliveira, M. and Maçada, A. (2011) Mapping knowledge management authoring patterns and practices,  African Journal of Business Management, 5 (22), 9137-9153. (  Click here


Maehler, A.,  Curado, C., Pedrozo, E. and Pires, J. (2011) Knowledge Transfer and Innovation in Brazilian Multinational Companies, Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 6 (4), 1-14.(  Click here )