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    Curado, C. (2017). Book review - The Review of "Successes and Failures of Knowledge Management" edited by Jay Liebowitz, Elsevier, Cambridge, MA 2016, pp. 221, Journal of Economics and Management, 27/17, 150-155.

    Curado, C., Oliveira, M., Maçada, A. & Nodari, F. (2017). Team's innovation: Getting there through knowledge sharing and absorptive capacity, Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 15, 45-53.

    Lopes Henriques, P., Curado, C. & Matos, P. V. (2017). The warmness seed: long-term fruits of coaching, Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research & Practice, 10 (1), 66-81.

    Oliveira, M., Maçada, A., Curado, C. & Nodari, F. (2017). Infrastructure Profiles and Knowledge Sharing, International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction, 13(3):1-12.

    Pena, N. & Curado, C. (2017). Uncovering the pathways to e-Learning success: a qualitative approach. Online Journal of Applied Knowledge Management, 5 (1), 42-56.

    Piteira, M.C. & Gomes, J.F.S. (2017). Organisational narratives of applied knowledge in technology-based organisations. International Journal of Knowledge-Based Organizations, 7(1), 19-31.