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ADV   Activities   Seminars   2018


    Examining the relationship between institutional logics and trust in complex organisational environments: the case of renegotiations in Portuguese Public-Private Partnerships

    O papel dos cidadãos na nova administração publica e o desempenho das Forças Armadas Portuguesas
    Uso dos estudos meta analíticos na investigação académica
    Workshop: Meta analise
    2018 Global Azure Bootcamp
    Values in management control: Routines of measurement and deliberation
    Selected information systems research approaches with a focus on the knowledge management characteristics of specific organizations
    Hierarchical (tree-like) data presentation in relational databases
    The dynamic of the co-innovation process: an analysis of multi-actor interactions
    Knowledge cycles on software development
    How does what happens beyond the threshold of our consciousness affect our lives? About the conscious and unconscious brain
    Price Promotions and Customer Behavior
    Aplicação do Design Thinking integrado com métodos ágeis na Gestão de Projetos de Software