Financial Markets and Management (1 º Sem 2020/2021)

MIM (Management)


Publicar Publicado em 29-11-2020

NEW: Instructions for This Week

Dear FMM Students,


Here's very relevant information for this week:


1.  CLASSES:  I will not teach synchronously this Monday class at 09:30I have recorded that class. Please watch the videos. It’s the following sequence:

a.     Class on Financial Options (Lecture Slides and Numerical Examples Explained). I included a few n ore slides than last week, and taught it all again, in case you have doubts. Last week we stopped on Black-Scholes; you can start from. there if you want. Here’s the link for the video of me guiding you through the slides:


b.     Problem Set 3: I solved it in video as well, so you can follow the steps here:


c.     Class on Capital Structure-part I: I recorded those slides with my explanation. You can find it here:



3.     Monday November 30th pm (4pm-6pm) I will be available online to answer any questions you may have on the contents of these materials that I uploaded just now.


4.     Next Steps for YOU:

a.     You should start working seriously on your Group Work Assignments: I need to receive an email with the composition of your groups until Thursday December 3rd.

b.     Problem Set 4 is for you to solve (individual work), with deadline until Sunday, December 6th).


5. Regarding P Set 2 Solutions: corrected version uploaded (there was a table incorrectly inserted)

6. Office Hours This week: as usual, on Ffriday 4pm-6pm on MS Teams.

Virtual Hugs and Kisses,





Canal: Financial Markets and Management - Autor: CLARA PATRICIA COSTA RAPOSO - Modificado em: 29-11-2020 - Data de criação: 29-11-2020