Modelos de Taxa de Juro e Risco de Crédito (1 º Sem 2020/2021)
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Publicação de Notas
Dear Students, The grades have been released. I'm also uploading in Aquila (in Exam-Jan21 folder) an excel file with the full details behind your grades, as well as a word file with the correction criteria. The discussion session will be Monday at 12:30 pm. Please let me know until Monday, 10 am, if you are willing to participate and what your doubts are. The repeat exam will be next Friday, at 9am, as previously planned. As you may expect, the exam will be online. I'll provide soon the guidelines for this exam. Kind regards, Jorge Barros Luís
A pauta pode ser consultada aqui
Canal: Modelos de Taxa de Juro e Risco de Crédito - Modificado em: 31-01-2021 - Data de criação: 31-01-2021