Macroeconomia (1 º Sem 2020/2021)

EC (Economia) , EMF (Economia Monetária e Financeira)

Macroeconomics is an introduction to the study of advanced macroeconomics. Therefore, students are supposed to know the contents of both introductory-level (e.g. Economics II) and intermediate-level short-run (e.g. Macroeconomics I) macroeconomics. Intermediate-level long-run macroeconomics (e.g. Macroeconomics II) would be a plus, but it is not strictly necessary.
Furthermore, this is a course that intensively uses quantitative methods. Thus, students are supposed to know basic algebra (e.g. Mathematics I), calculus (e.g. Mathematics II), statistics (e.g. Statistics I and Statistics II), and econometrics (e.g. Econometrics).
Finally, we also expect students to know both introductory (e.g. Economics I) and intermediate (e.g. Microeconomics I) microeconomics. If you are a student of either the M.Sc. in Economics or in Monetary and Financial Economics and you did not study these topics, please enroll UECE/REM's Refreshment and Preliminary Courses for M.Sc. and Ph.D. before you start this course. You have also "A Summer Study Guide for New Students of the Master's in Economics and Master's in Monetary and Financial Economics" to help you.
Exchange students (e.g. Erasmus) should not enroll in Macroeconomics (advanced level) if they have never had intermediate-level courses in macroeconomics, microeconomics, and quantitative methods before.

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Normal-Period Assessment Outcomes

1) The normal-period assessment outcomes are available here.

2) The assessment details (marks for each question, solution topics) are available here.

3) Exams can be checked on Tuesday, 2 February from 18:00h onwards via Teams. You are required to register in advance and to indicate the set of questions that you want to check. In order to register, please send an e-mail to before the end of Monday, 1 February.

4) Considering that reliability and fairness conditions are not met for remote assessment in the appeal-period exam scheduled to Wednesday, 3 February, I asked the Pedagogical Board to postpone it for the week 19-24 July. I will be available to provide support to students in need of it at the end of the 2nd semester.

5) Please do not send e-mails asking for additional information that are already available, namely on topics 2) or 4) above. Queries on the eligibility conditions for exceptional assessment in February have to be clarified with the students' office.