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    "SAM (Social Accounting Matrix)-based for the study of the real state market". 36 th IARIW General Conference, promovida pela IARIW (International Association of Research in Income and Wealth). Oslo (Noruega): 24-28/8/2021 (próximo).


    "Approach for the study of European Economic Activity using National Accounts" , 29th EBES Conference, promovida pela EBES (Eurasia Business and Economics Society). Lisboa (Portugal): 10-12/10/2019.


    "Unconditional Basic Income: Who gets it? Who pays for it? - A social accounting approach to distribution", com: Utz Peter Reich; 35 th IARIW General Conference, promovida pela IARIW (International Association of Research in Income and Wealth). Copenhaga (Dinamarca): 20-25/8/2018.


    "The network of inter-industry flows in a SAM framework", com Tanya Araújo; 2 6 th International Input-Output Conference, promovida pela IIOA (International Input-Output Association). Juiz de Fora (Brasil), 25-29/6/2018.


    "An applied matrix approach to the study of the structural features of the socio-economic activity of a country" ( XXXI International Congress of Applied Economics, promovida pela ASEPELT ( Asociación Internacional de Economía Aplicada)). Lisboa(Portugal),5-8/7/2017.


    "Studying the structures of income distribution and production with Social Accounting and Input-Output Matrices". ( 25 th International Input-Output Conference, promovida pela IIOA ( International Input-Output Association) , Atlantic City ( New Jersey - EUA), 19-23/6/2017.


    "Studying the structure of income with Social Accounting Matrices". (International Conference on Economic Modelling, promovida pela EcoMod (Global Economic Modeling Network)).   Lisboa(Portugal),6-8/7/2016. 


    "The informal aspects of the activity of countries studied through Social Accounting and Socio-Demographic Matrices ". ( 23 rd International Input-Output Conference, promovida pela IIOA ( International Input-Output Association) e pela Facultat de Economia - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México ( UNAM)), Cidade do México (México): 22-26/6/2015. 


    "Assessing the socio-economic effects of changes in the distribution of income with Social
    Accounting Matrices
    ". ( Workshop on Assessment Methodologies - energy, mobility and other real world applications, promovido pela Universidade de Coimbra), Coimbra (Portugal): 19/6/2015. (Seminário, promovido pelo Departamento de Economia do ISEG (instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão) - Universidade de Lisboa), Lisboa (Portugal): 25/11/2015.


    "Measuring the socio-economic activity of countries with Social Accounting Matrices". (Conferência inaugural da SEM, promovida pela SEM ( Society for Economic Measurement)), Chicago (EUA): 18-20/8/2014.


    "Studying the informal aspects of the activity of countries with Social Accounting and Socio-Demographic Matrices". ( 22 nd International Input-Output Conference, promovida pela IIOA ( International Input-Output Association) e pela UECE (Unidade de Estudos sobre a Complexidade e Economia) / ISEG (Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão) - Universidade de Lisboa), Lisboa (Portugal): 14-18/7/2014.


    "Studying the Socio-Economics of Ageing using Social Accounting and Socio-Demographic Matrices. An application to Portugal". ( 3 rd International Workshop on the Socio-Economics of Ageing, promovido pelo Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão - Universidade de Lisboa), Lisboa (Portugal): 25/10/2013.


    "Approach to the activity of a country based on a Social Accounting Matrix. Application to Portugal" ( 7 th Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Economic Journal, promovido pelo Portuguese Economic Journal e pela Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas - Universidade da Beira Interior), Covilhã (Portugal): 8-9/7/2013.


    "Socio-economic studies with Social Accounting and Socio-Demographic Matrices. An (attempted) application to Mozambique" ( 5 th European Conference on African Studies, promovida pela AEGIS (Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies)), Lisboa (Portugal): 27-29/6/2013.


    " ocial Accounting Matrices for supporting policy decision processes". ( XIV April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, promovida pela HSE ( Higher School of Economics) - National Research University), Moscovo (Russia): 2-5/4/2013.


    "The SAM (Social Accounting Matrix) approach to the measurement of socioeconomic policy impacts" ( Poster) ( 32 nd IARIW General Conference, promovida pela IARIW (International Association of Research in Income and Wealth)), Boston (EUA): 5-11/8/2012.


    "The policy decision process in a SAM (Social Accounting Matrix) framework" ( 20 th International Input-Output Conference, promovida pela IIOA (International Input-Output Association)), Bratislava (Slovakia): 26-29/6/2012.


    "Measuring and modelling the activity of Countries and Regions with Social Accounting Matrices" (12º Workshop APDR - Modelos Input-Output, promovida pela APDR (Associaçao Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento Regional) e pela Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão do Instituto Politécnico de Leiria), Leiria (Portugal): 15/2/2012.


    "Measuring the activity of African Countries using Social Accounting Matrices" ( Conference on Experiences and Challenges in Measuring National Income, Wealth, Poverty, and Inequality in African Countries, promovida pela IARIW (International Association of Research in Income and Wealth) e pelo Statistics South Africa ). Cape Town (África do Sul), 28/9-1/10/2011.


    "The SAM as a database for a CGE model for Portugal and its Autonomous Region of the Azores" (International Conference on Economic Modelling, promovida pela EcoMod (Global Economic Modeling Network)).   Ponta Delgada - Açores (Portugal),29/6-1/7/2011.


    "Using the SNA and SAMs for a better (socio-) economic modelling" ( 19 th International Input-Output Conference, promovida pela IIOA (International Input-Output Association)), Alexandria -VA (EUA): 13-17/6/2011.


    "A quantitative approach to the effects of social policy measures. An application to Portugal, using Social Accounting Matrices" ( 18 th International Input-Output Conference, promovida pela IIOA ( International Input-Output Association) e pelo Integrated Sustainability Analysis (ISA) research group da Universidade de Sydney). Sydney (Australia) : 20-25/6/2010.


    "Constructing and Modelling SAMs from the SNA for the study of impacts of policy measures" ( 57th Session of the International Statistical Institute, promovida pelo ISI (International Statistical Institute) e pelo Statistics South Africa). Durban (África do Sul): 16-22/8/2009.


    "From the System of National Accounts (SNA) to a Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) - based Model. An application to Portugal" (Poster) ( 57th Session of the International Statistical Institute, promovida pelo ISI (International Statistical Institute) e pelo Statistics South Africa). Durban (África do Sul) : 16-22/8/2009.


    "SAM-based modelling for policy and scenario analysis" (XVII Conferência Internacional de Input-Output , promovida pela IIOA ( International Input-Output Association) e pelo Departamento de Economia, da Faculdade de Economia, Gestão e Contabilidade, da Universidade de São Paulo). São Paulo (Brasil): 13-17/7/2009.


    "The Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) as a database for economic modelling" ( Universidade dos Açores - Seminário do CEEAplA (Centro de Estudos de Economia Aplicada)). Ponta Delgada - Açores (Portugal): 23/1/2009.


    "A SAM-based Model, constructed from the SNA, to be used for studying the distributional impacts of budget policies in Portugal" (International Conference on Policy Modelling, promovida pela EcoMod (Global Economic Modeling Network)). Berlin (Alemanha): 2-4/7/2008 .


    "Social Accounting Matrix and the System of National Accounts " ( KNSO International Conference , promovida pelo Statistical Research Institute of KNSO (Korea National Statistical Office)). Daejeon ( República da Coreia ) : 25-26/10/2007.


    "Better databases for economic modelling: constructing SAMs from the SNA" ( 2nd International Symposium on Economic Theory, Policy and Applications, promovido pelo ATINER (Economics Research Unit of the Athens Institute for Education and Research)). Atenas (Grécia ): 6-7/8/2007.


    "Constructing a database for economic modelling from the System of National Accounts: a Social Accounting Matrix for Portugal" ( International Conference on Policy Modelling, promovida pela EcoMod (Global Economic Modeling Network)). Hong-Kong (China ): 28-30/6/2006.


    "Social Accounting Matrix and the System of National Accounts: An Application" - evening course ( 15th International Input-Output Conference, promovida pela IIOA (International Input-Output Association) e pela Renmin University of China). Beijing (China ): 27/6 - 1/7/2005 .


    "Government expenditure on households and vice versa. A SAM (Social Accounting Matrix) approach to Portugal"( 15th International Input-Output Conference, promovida pela IIOA (International Input-Output Association) e pela Renmin University of China). Beijing (China ): 27/6 - 1/7/2005.


    "Distribution of aggregate income in Portugal within the framework of a Social Accounting Matrix. Modelling the household sector" ( Input-Output and General Equilibrium: Data, Modeling and Policy Analysis - Conferência Internacional promovida pela EcoMod (Global Economic Modeling Network) e pela IIOA (International Input-Output Association)). Bruxelas ( Bélgica ) : 2-4/9/2004.


    " ncome distribution in Portugal from 1995 to 2000: a SAM approach" ( Seminário do Departamento de Economia do ISEG). Lisboa (Portugal ): 6/7/2004.


    " he Social Accounting Matrix as a working instrument for defining economic policy. Its application in Portugal, with special emphasis on the household sector" ( Políticas Económicas no Novo Milénio - Conferência Internacional Comemorativa dos 30 anos da Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra). Coimbra (Portugal ): 16/4/2004.


    "The government budget balance and net borrowing of the Portuguese economy. A SAM approach" ( Seminário da Faculdade de Economia da Universidade do Porto). Porto (Portugal ): 26/2/2004.


    "Modeling the economic effects of changes in expenditures of Portuguese general government in a Social Accounting Matrix framework" ( Seminário do Departamento de Economia da Escola de Economia e Gestão da Universidade do Minho). Braga (Portugal ): 17/12/2003.


    "Modelização de efeitos de alterações nas despesas do Estado no âmbito de uma matriz de Contabilidade Social. Aplicação a Portugal em 1998-99" ( V Encontro de Economistas de Língua Portuguesa). Recife (Brasil ): 5-7/11/2003.


    "The Social Accounting Matrix as a working instrument for defining economic policy. Application in Portugal with emphasis on the general government sector" ( International Conference on Policy Modelling, promovida pela EcoMod (Global Economic Modeling Network)). Istanbul (Turquia ): 3-5/7/2003.


    "Social Accounting Matrices for Portugal in 1998-99. Modelling the effects of changes in government receipts and expenditure" ( Workshop sobre Novos Desenvolvimentos e Aplicações da Análise Input/Output, promovido pela Unidade de Estudos sobre a Complexidade na Economia). Lisboa (Portugal ): 9/5/2003.


    "Social Accounting Matrix Modelling. An application to Portugal in 1997" ( Seminário do Departamento de Economia do ISEG). Lisboa (Portugal ): 28/1/2003.


    " Quantitative analysis of the economic flows between Portugal and the other European Union Member States and Institutions in 1997" ( 5º Encontro Internacional de Economia Europeia, promovido pelo Centro de Estudos de Economia Europeia e Internacional do ISEG). Lisboa (Portugal): 22/11/2002.


    "Extensão da Matriz Input-Output à Matriz de Contabilidade Social. Aplicação a Portugal e ao Algarve"( Seminário sobre Novos Desenvolvimentos sobre a Análise Input/Output, promovido pelo CIDER - Universidade do Algarve). Faro (Portugal): 29/10/2001.


    "The importance of Social Accounting Matrix. Application to Portugal during the 1990-95 period"( Seminário do Departamento de Economia do ISEG). Lisboa (Portugal): 20/7/2001.


    "A construção da Matriz de Contabilidade Social, uma aplicação a Portugal"( Workshop sobre a utilidade dos Sistemas de Contabilidade Social, promovido pelo INE). Lisboa (Portugal): 25/10/1999.