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Publicações em actas de encontros científicos

    Nota: Embora fazendo parte das actas das respectivas conferências, normalmente nos seus websites (ver ligações), a maior parte destes textos estão também disponíveis como Documentos de Trabalho.


    " Unconditional Basic Income: Who gets it? Who pays for it? - A social accounting approach to distribution", com: Utz Peter Reich; 35 th IARIW General Conference, promovida pela IARIW (International Association of Research in Income and Wealth). Copenhaga (Dinamarca): 20-25/8/2018.


     " The network of inter-industry flows in a SAM framework", com Tanya Araújo; 2 6 th International Input-Output Conference, promovida pela IIOA (International Input-Output Association). Juiz de Fora (Brasil), 25-29/6/2018.


    " Studying the structure of income with Social Accounting Matrices". (International Conference on Economic Modelling, promovida pela EcoMod (Global Economic Modeling Network)).   Lisboa(Portugal),6-8/7/2016.


    " The informal aspects of the activity of countries studied through Social Accounting and Socio-Demographic Matrices". ( 23 rd International Input-Output Conference, promovida pela IIOA ( International Input-Output Association) e pela Facultat de Economia - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México ( UNAM)), Cidade do México (México): 22-26/6/2015.


    " Studying the informal aspects of the activity of countries with Social Accounting and Socio-Demographic Matrices". ( 22 nd International Input-Output Conference, promovida pela IIOA ( International Input-Output Association) e pela UECE (Unidade de Estudos sobre a Complexidade e Economia) / ISEG (Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão) - Universidade de Lisboa), Lisboa (Portugal): 14-18/7/2014.


    " Social Accounting Matrices for supporting policy decision processes". ( XIV April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, promovida pela HSE ( Higher School of Economics) - National Research University), Moscovo (Russia): 2-5/4/2013.


    " The SAM (Social Accounting Matrix) Approach to the Measurement of Socioeconomic Policy Impacts" ( 32nd IARIW General Conference, promovida pela IARIW (International Association of Research in Income and Wealth)), Boston (EUA): 5-11/8/2012.


    " The policy decision process in a SAM (Social Accounting Matrix) framework" ( 20th International Input-Output Conference, promovida pela IIOA (International Input-Output Association)), Bratislava (Slovakia): 26-29/6/2012.


    " Measuring the activity of African Countries using Social Accounting Matrices" ( Conference on Experiences and Challenges in Measuring National Income, Wealth, Poverty, and Inequality in African Countries, promovida pela IARIW (International Association of Research in Income and Wealth) e pelo Statistics South Africa ). Cape Town (África do Sul), 28/9-1/10/2011.


    " The SAM as a database for a CGE model for Portugal and its Autonomous Region of the Azores" (International Conference on Economic Modelling, promovida pela EcoMod (Global Economic Modeling Network)).   Ponta Delgada - Açores (Portugal), 29/6-1/7/2011.


    " Using the SNA and SAMs for a better (socio-)economic modelling " ( 19 th International Input-Output Conference, promovida pela IIOA (International Input-Output Association)), Alexandria -VA (EUA): 13-17/6/2011.


    " A quantitative approach to the effects of social policy measures. An application to Portugal, using Social Accounting Matrices" (18 th International Input-Output Conference, promovida pela IIOA ( International Input-Output Association) e pelo. Integrated Sustainability  Analysis  (ISA)  research group  da  Universidade de Sydney). Sydney (Australia) : 20-25/6/2010.


    " A SAM-based Model, constructed from the SNA, to be used for studying the distributional impacts of budget policies in Portugal" ( International Conference on Policy Modelling, promovida pela EcoMod (Global Economic Modeling Network)). Berlin (Alemanha): 2-4/7/2008.


    " Macro-SAMs for modelling purposes: An application to Portugal in 2003" ( KNSO International Conference, promovida pelo Statistical Research Institute of KNSO (Korea National Statistical Office)). Daejeon (República da Coreia):  25-26/10/2007.


    " Constructing a database for economic modelling from the System of National Accounts: a Social Accounting Matrix for Portugal" ( International Conference on Policy Modelling, promovida pela EcoMod (Global Economic Modeling Network)). Hong-Kong (China): 28-30/6/2006.


    " Government expenditure on households and vice versa. A SAM (Social Accounting Matrix) approach to Portugal" ( 15th International Input-Output Conference, promovida pela IIOA (International Input-Output Association) and Renmin University of China). Beijing (China):  27/6 - 1/7/2005.


    " Distribution of aggregate income in Portugal within the framework of a Social Accounting Matrix. Modelling the household sector" ( Input-Output and General Equilibrium: Data, Modeling and Policy Analysis - Conferência Internacional promovida pelaEcoMod (Global Economic Modeling Network) e pela IIOA (International Input-Output Association)). Bruxelas (Bélgica):2-4/9/2004.


    " The Social Accounting Matrix as a working instrument for defining economic policy. Its application in Portugal, with special emphasis on the household sector" ( Economic Policies in the New Millennium - Conferência Internacional Comemorativa dos 30 anos da Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra, session II.F). Coimbra (Portugal): 16/4/2004.


    " Modelização de efeitos de alterações nas despesas do Estado no âmbito de uma matriz de Contabilidade Social. Aplicação a Portugal em 1998-99" ( V Encontro de Economistas de Língua Portuguesa). Recife (Brasil): 5-7/11/2003.


    " The Social Accounting Matrix as a working instrument for defining economic policy. Application in Portugal with emphasis on the general government sector" ( International Conference on Policy Modelling, promovida pela EcoMod (Global Economic Modeling Network)). Istanbul ( Turquia): 3-5/7/2003.