Gestão Financeira II (1 º Sem 2015/2016)


Janeiro de 2016

Publicar Publicado em 29-01-2016

ER exam (02.01.2015): Room allocation

A file with the allocation of all students to different exam rooms (Biblioteca, Anfiteatro 1 and Anfiteatro 2) is already available for download, in Aquila.
All students are kindly asked to identify in advance the room where their exam is going to take place.
Please be ready to enter your examination room at 11.50 GMT.

Canal: Gestão Financeira II - Autor: PEDRO NUNO RINO CARREIRA VIEIRA -

Publicar Publicado em 20-01-2016

Publicação de Notas

Dear Students,

You can consult your final exam next Tuesday, January, 26th at 08:30 at room 001 F1.

The specifics of your grades can be consulted in the section "Ver Mais" of the course website.



Best regards,

GF2 Team

Canal: Gestão Financeira II - Modificado em 20-01-2016 -

Publicar Publicado em 07-01-2016

EN exam (01.08.2015): Room allocation

A file with the allocation of all students to different exam rooms (Salão Nobre, Anfiteatro 3 and Biblioteca) is already available for download, in Aquila.

All students are kindly asked to identify in advance the room where their exam is going to take place.

Please be ready to enter your exam room at 14.50 GMT.


Good luck.

Canal: Gestão Financeira II - De 07-01-2016 09:00 a 09-01-2016 12:00 - Autor: JOSÉ ANTÓNIO DE AZEVEDO PEREIRA - Modificado em 07-01-2016 -

Publicar Publicado em 04-01-2016

Exam EN

Next Friday we have the final exam, in which you have the possibility to opt between two choices:

  1. Repeat the mid-term and do an exam covering the second part of the topics;
  2. Do an exam covering the second part of the topics.

In the case of Option 1, you will write a new version of the mid-term that will account for 20% of you final mark. This mark will be considered only if it benefits your final classification. In addition, you will solve the EN exam. The second part of the exam will account for 40% of your final grade.

In the case of Option 2, you only write the EN exam that accounts 40% of your final grade.

Regardless of your option, you must decide before coming to the exam. You will be requested to manifest your decision in the moment you enter the room. After this moment there are no way back and you cannot change your decision.

Canal: Gestão Financeira II - Autor: PEDRO NUNO RINO CARREIRA VIEIRA -

Publicar Publicado em 23-12-2015

Problem Set 5 - revised version already available.

Given the fact that reasonable doubts, related to questions 3.e) and 6, were raised, the corresponding changes were introduced.

Having this fact into consideration, the deadline for submission was extended to 18.00 GMT, 24.12.2015.

Canal: Gestão Financeira II - De 23-01-2016 01:00 a 30-12-2015 23:00 - Autor: JOSÉ ANTÓNIO DE AZEVEDO PEREIRA -